§ 129-10. Hazard of contents.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    General. The hazard of contents, for the purpose of this article, shall be the relative danger of the start and spread of fire, the danger of smoke or gases generated, the danger of explosion or other occurrence potentially endangering the lives and safety of the occupants of the building or structure and public safety personnel.
    Authority. Hazard of contents shall be determined by the local Fire Marshal on the basis of the character of the contents and the processes or operations conducted in the building or structure. When different degrees of hazard of content exist in different parts of a building or structure, the most hazardous shall govern classification for the purpose of this article.
    Classification. The hazard of contents of any building or structure shall be classified as ordinary or high hazard.
    Ordinary hazard contents shall be classified as those which are liable to burn with moderate rapidity or give off considerable volume of smoke, but from which neither poisonous fumes nor explosions are to be feared in case of fire.
    High hazard contents shall be classified as those which are liable to burn with extreme rapidity or from which poisonous fumes or explosion are feared in the event of fire.