§ 155-50. Special consideration.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, special consideration may be given to individuals who are elderly or disabled and who demonstrate that the violation results from an inability to maintain a dwelling unit and no person with that ability resides therein. Such special consideration shall be limited to the reduction or elimination of fines and/or an agreement that the Town or its agents may perform the necessary work and place a lien against the premises for the cost thereof in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
    Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, special consideration may be given to property owners who are in financial distress and demonstrate an inability to pay the costs of remedying the violation according to guidelines established by the Town Manager. Such special consideration shall be limited to the reduction or elimination of fines and/or an agreement that the Town or its agents may perform the necessary work and place a lien against the premises for the cost thereof in accordance with the provisions of this Code.