§ 73-4. Approval of application; additional requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The Police Department, acting by its Chief, in coordination with the department head concerned, shall receive, issue and control such applications. It shall approve such applications if it finds:
    They are necessary to the proper and efficient handling of emergency calls to that specific agency.
    The termination of such a telephone line shall constitute no hindrance to regular Town activities.
    In the event that the applicant is in the business of installing or selling or leasing said alarm systems, there shall be additional requirements as follows:
    The applicant seeking the termination agrees that no messages will be telephoned on said lines except by an agent of his with access to customer files and the means to provide access to the premises.
    The applicant seeking the termination maintains adequate equipment and work force to repair, maintain and otherwise service alarms sold or leased by him.
    Adequate procedures to test and prevent false alarms as determined by the department head concerned are provided.