§ 129-11. Protection systems.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    General. Protection shall be provided from any area having a degree of hazard greater than that normal to the general occupancy of the building or structure, such as storage of combustibles or flammables or heat producing appliances.
    Systems. Protection with automatic extinguishing systems or smoke detection systems as determined by the local Fire Marshal shall be provided and installed in accordance with the Connecticut Fire Safety Code.
    Special systems. Where hazardous processes or storage are of such character as to introduce an explosion potential, explosion venting or an explosion suppression system specifically designed for the hazard involved shall be provided.
    Remote facilities. A hazardous operation or process may be conducted in a detached structure sufficiently remote from other buildings to avoid any danger to occupants of other buildings. Protection for the safety of any occupants of the detached structure shall be provided.